Liturgy & Music

For regular Mass and Confession times go here.
The Sacred Liturgy is the heart of our parish life. All things flow from and to the altar of God. Men and boys (from about age 6) who are interested in serving at the altar should contact James Griffin, Acolyte Master.
Sacred music supports and enhances the Church's liturgical action. SJB is committed to the highest standards of sacred choral music. True to our particular Ordinariate patrimony, we range from medieval plainchant to Renaissance polyphony and modern anthems and hymnody. Deborah Rojas directs both the adult choir and a children's schola. Whether you're a volunteer who wants to learn how to sing or an experienced professional musician, we'd love to have you in our growing choral program.
Our Altar Guild cares for sacramental linens and other appointments behind the scenes. Jacqueline Burgess provides leadership and training to the faithful women dedicated to this task.
Use the form below to contact us about any of these liturgical ministries.