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News + Calendar

This week's announcements

**ORDO CALENDARS AVAILABLE: The liturgical calendars for the Ordinariate use are available on the table by the door in the hall. Please take one home so that you can follow along with the Church's observance of the times. These are useful for keeping track of holy days and days of fasting and abstinence.

**PATRICIANS MEETING JAN. 15: We read of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, in the New Testament. But did you know that she is prefigured throughout the Old Testament? Come to the next Patricians discussion to learn about the many types of Mary in the Bible and how she is foretold in Scripture. Join us on Wednesday, January 15th from 6:45 - 8:45 pm here in the parish hall. 

The Society of the Patricians is an informal group of Catholic adults who meet monthly under the direction of Fr. Keyes to learn more about the Catholic Faith so that we can better share it with others. Please come, and bring a friend!  Refreshments will be served and free literature will be available. The program is sponsored by the Legion of Mary. 


**JUBILEE YEAR PILGRIMAGE SITES: Bishop Lopes has designated Mt. Calvary in Baltimore as the nearest pilgrimage site for our diocese — a place where the faithful are encouraged to visit and obtain the jubilee indulgence. Our Cathedral in Houston is another such site. Leslie Altena is planning to organize a group trip to one of these Ordinariate sites this year (more info to come). The archdiocese of Philadelphia also has a site dedicated to local Jubilee-related events and sites HERE.

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