News + Calendar
***No Special Announcements This Week
**NEXT PATRICIANS DISCUESSION: "WHY CAN'T CATHOLICS BE FREEMASONS?" (Wed, Sept 18, 6:45pm): What is Freemasonry? And why has it been repeatedly condemned by the Church? Come learn more at the next Patricians discussion! The topic will be "Why Can't Catholics be Freemasons?". The meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 18th from 6:45 - 8:45 p.m.
The Society of the Patricians is an informal group of Catholic adults who meet monthly under the direction of Fr. Sam Keyes to learn more about the Catholic Faith so that we can better share it with others. Contact Edel Lukens for more info HERE.
**PONTIFICAL ORDINARIATE MASS AT THE CATHEDRAL BASILICA (Wed, Oct 9, 7pm): We are excited to welcome Msgr. Carl Reid, Ordinary Emeritus of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross, as the celebrant for our Mass at the Cathedral Basilica on Wednesday, October 9 at 7 pm. The guest preacher will be Fr. James Bradley, a priest of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham and a professor of canon law at the Catholic University of America. A reception will follow the Mass at the archdiocesan Pastoral Center next door.
**FALL E-DAY (Sat, Oct 12): Save the date now for our next Evangelization Day in Bridgeport. The Legion of Mary will be leading and training volunteers to go door-to-door to invite people to church, pass out information, and just be good all-around witnesses to our neighbors. This Fall’s E-Day will focus especially on the new housing in Bridgeport that is starting to fill up. For more information, or to register, please contact Edel Lukens HERE.