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Weekly Schedule
Confessions & Devotions
Sunday 9-9:45 am, 4:30-4:45 pm
Thursday 6-6:15 pm
Friday 7:35-8:15 am
Please consult the Calendar page for occasional variations
Sunday: 10 am (sung)
and 5 pm (said)
Monday: No services
Tuesday: 6:30 pm
Wednesday: 7 am
Thursday: 6:30 pm
Friday: 7 am
Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction
Friday after Mass: 7:30-8:30 am
Holy Days of Obligation
7 am (said), 10 am (said) & 7 pm (sung)
Civic holidays: Generally one mass at 10 am
Please consult the Calendar page for occasional variations
Divine Office
Sunday - 9:15 a.m. (Morning Prayer)
Daily (except Saturday) - 5:00 p.m. (Evening Prayer only on Zoom)
To join our daily Zoom EP group, send a request by email HERE.
The Ordinariate's Office may also be prayed online at this link.
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